Conferencia en el Máster Universitario de Sistemas Inteligentes

Fecha Evento: 
Thu, 22/03/2012

Con motivo de la visita de los investigadores polacos del proyecto europeo TALARIA (Teaching and E-­Learning Advances in European Mobility Space), Gracja Wydmuch de la Wroclaw University of Economics (Polonia) impartirá esta tarde, 22 de marzo a las 17.00 en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Salamanca, una conferencia con el título "How can a computer make our life with learning easier?". La charla estará dirigida a los alumnos del Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes aunque será de libre acceso para todas las personas que estén interesadas en asistir.

La conferencia se divirá en dos partes, la primera de carácter general sobre la naturaleza de la interacción persona-ordenador, los procesos cognitivos y el modelado del usuario, la segunda presentará el método para la creación de perfiles de usuario adaptables en los Sistemas Tutores Inteligentes (STI).

A continuación se ofrece el abstract y el índice de la charla.

Functionality and effectiveness of the tutoring systems have become more important nowadays, with particular attention to the user’s role. 
The process of learning can be defined as the combination of cognitive and psychical processes for information assimilation.
Tutoring or teaching should be perceived as the process of providing particular knowledge, and then coordinating and supervising the process of learning.
The ability to learn stems from psychological conditions, which are different for each user. The process of knowledge acquisition depends on personal predispositions for learning.
It determines the necessity of taking individual approach to tutoring programs application.
Therefore, there is high importance for treating every user individually, according to the innate abilities. The tutoring system should be able to provide the whole apparatus for implementing and executing instruction programs, and expending processes of learning and teaching, both at the same time, accordingly with the user’s needs.


  1. The nature of human-computer interaction
  2. Interaction levels
  3. Reality experience
  4. About the user
  5. Cognition processes
  6. Learning determinants
  7. P-P method for user profiling
  8. Adaptation in intelligent tutoring system